Wednesday 19 May 2010

how are we going to do it.

OK, bear with us. We have made our first round of selections and letters are being written. All will be revealed in a couple of days. In the meantime, here is a short rundown of what we plan to do:

1. Pick someone out of the Sunday Times' Rich List (2010) using some novel method or another (probably a dart in a dartboard).

2. Decide what would be the best media to use to contact said person - email or handwritten letter. I'm not going to say 'snail mail' because I hate it when people say that. Always thinking they're well funny and the only person to ever rhyme those two words together in the history of the world.

3. Write the correspondence. Post proof on this blog.

4. Wait

5. Wait some more.

6. Post any replies and/or updates on this blog.

7. Create masses of interest in this blog and become internet megastars along the way

8. Be honoured to be thought of in similar ways as to that of the fat kid with the light saber, the first person to put some mentos in a bottle of coke and post the results on youtube and that nerd who set up facebook. An internet phenomenon, if you will.

Internet Phenomena ↓

Watch this space...

Monday 3 May 2010

from nobody to somebody - a couple of introductions.

Our Bible. The 2010 Rich List.

Basic premise : We are a couple of nobodies that have set up this blog nay, this concept - FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY, to interact with somebodies. By somebodies we of course mean 'them', 'those other guys' or to be more precise, people that aren't like us. We are interested in the somebodies that make this world tick and the nobodies that watch on whilst they do.

The question of why is a perfectly valid one. Why contact these people? Why even care? Some people not too
au fait with old proverbs that mean precisely nothing might say something about looking after your own garden before casting judgement on others but I just find it all too fascinating to ignore. How can
people on the same planet have such vastly different lives? I've never had any money, real success or fame. For this reason I intend to investigate those that have all three in abundance.

The nobodies outnumber the somebodies hugely, don't they? We are just two of millions, we are fully aware. However, we also know that everyone likes getting letters and nice funny emails. I mean, Simon Cowell isn't 100% cyborg is he? He's got a heart buried somewhere deep under that white v-neck he wears EVERY SINGLE DAY. What I'm trying to say is, let's really find out how untouchable the untouchables are.

By that last sentence there - "Let's really find out how untouchable the untouchables are." I didn't mean to sound all menacing by the way. I just read it back and it sounds a bit Unabomber doesn't it?! I promise none of our correspondences will be written in shit or blood or anything.

We ain't got many tools - the Sunday Times Rich List, an email account and some stamps mainly. We have, however, got a load of enthusiasm, a strong sense of intrigue and hopefully a fair bit of luck. That's all you really need in life isn't it?

- A

Hello and welcome to FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY. This is a blog that aims to bring you insights into the lives of the rich and famous, or somebodies, as we have chosen to call them. The idea is simple: we hassle write politely to somebodies and post any responses we get here for all the nobodies.

Inspired by the middle-class dinner party conversation-starter of choice, the Sunday Times Rich List. Whatever nuggets of correspondence we receive, whether it be a with compliments slip from music mogul Edgar Bronfman (me neither) 25th on the list or a hand written personal reply from HM Queen Elizabeth II 245th, it will be posted here.

So then somebodies, what we are essentially offering here is free PR - look out for a letter from us soon (or instruct your well-paid assistant to do so).

And there ya go - two nobodies, one blogger account and zero followers [edit as appropriate]. Enjoy!

- M